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Shopping at Venetian Macao

作者:心扉美文 来源: www.xfmw.cn 时间: 2015-06-08 阅读: 在线投稿

Experience the romance and grandeur of Shoppes at Venetian where guests are entertained by serenading gondoliers and enjoy performances by signature Streetmosphere performers with colourful antics of jugglers, living statues, musicians as they wander around the colourful Venetian streetscapes. The luxurious one-million-square-foot indoor mall with more than 330 stores featuring world renowned brands and the best boutiques from New York, Paris, London and Milan. From fashion, gadgets, jewellery, accessories to over 30 restaurants and an extensive food court, there's bound to be something for you, for that special partner to something for the family.

  • 上一篇:2015银河酒店旅游攻略,银河酒店自助游攻略,南北游银河酒店旅游网
  • 下一篇:2011轻烟造园记,有电梯(1月15日最后更新,作为造园贴结束)
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