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作者:落叶 来源: www.xfmw.cn 时间: 2018-03-17 阅读: 在线投稿


if you put a buzzard in a  pen six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. the reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.


the ordinary bat that flies around at night, who is a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. if it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

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