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  • 小学生日记100字左右 发表日期:2013-11-08

    给妈妈拔白头发 2010年x月xx日 星期x 晴 妈妈才35岁,头上就有不少白头发了。昨天下午,妈妈拿来一面镜子,让我和她一起选白头发。 在拔头发时,妈妈(叹惜了一...

  • 关于爱国主义的教育 发表日期:2013-11-08

    关于爱国主义的教育 ,TXT小说站...

  • 杨开慧一藏52年的日记:思念毛泽东几乎不能自拔 发表日期:2013-11-08


  • 一个人的时候 发表日期:2013-09-27

    身边,总有一些人,总是孤单着一个人。 她们,一个人站在公交站牌前,等着公交车。 她们,一个人走在繁华的街头,听着一个人音乐。 她们,一个人坐在两个座位的餐桌上,吃着一个人的午餐。 她们...

  • 陈年酒事 发表日期:2013-09-24


  • 等我有钱了 《绝对搞笑》 发表日期:2013-09-06

    等我有钱了,我就买2辆宝马,一辆在前面开道,一辆在后面护驾,我在中间骑自行车! 等我有钱了,一条短信给你发两次,让你存一条,删一条。 等我有了钱!!!买十三亿辆自行车中国区一人送一辆,我...

  • 献给所有出门在外的工友们 发表日期:2013-08-29

    来到工厂,深感后悔; 一载青春,白白浪费; 打工生活,真不好混; 早起晚睡,又困又累; 闹钟一响,掀开热被; 伸伸懒腰,还想在睡; 逼于无奈,洗刷速起; 急急忙忙,整理必备; 早餐馒头,今...

  • three T&rdquo 发表日期:2012-10-18

    Installation of thousands of mobile phone client to watch the news hotline check store core tip: 1988, adapted from Wang Shuo's novel "顽主" movie theaters, ralph lauren , by Ge Yo...

  • Made in France” 发表日期:2012-10-18

    Posted in Celebrity Pictures in Designer Jeans by Lorna, hogan , Editor New Line: Earl Pickens makes Made in France denim collectionEarnest Sewn Still Going Strong Adam Levine of M...

  • the banking industry to achieve three &ldquo 发表日期:2012-10-18

    Abstract] China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Liu Mingkang in 2010 for the first time in the economic and financial situation of stress, height pays close attention to the...

  • the fire was completely extinguished 发表日期:2012-10-18

    Key words: light hydrocarbon deflagration Daxing Beijing Abstract]25 day nineteen eleven, polo ralph lauren , Beijing Daxing District a construction site "light hydrocarbon" deflag...

  • 2 embryos survived after transplantation 发表日期:2012-10-18

    Reporter in April 6th from the First Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College to understand, supra , a few days ago, louis vuitton , the hospital reproductive center t...

  • of course 发表日期:2012-10-17

    Mission specialist Bob Curbean works with solar array during fourth spacewalk, abercrombie , 19 Dec. 2006 Astronauts from the American space shuttle Discovery have freed a stuck so...

  • as well as options for VIP casino trips 发表日期:2012-10-17

    Instead of fighting traffic, dealing with someone else's road rage or simply rushing to meet your flight, instead of driving yourself or take an expensive taxi, abercrombie , you m...

  • 小学生被要求办银行卡 银行称利于培养孩子理财 发表日期:2012-09-05

    新快报讯 据中广网报道,“一个小学生办什么银行卡啊,而且一定要开在自己的名下,并且要求把压岁钱、零花钱等都存进卡里。” 新学期开学,浙江省义乌市保联小学的学生家长们遇到了新问题,孩子...